Mindfulness Tips for Traveling
Sit Back.
We know. The second you wake up you want to get started on all your plans and pack in as many sights as possible! But have you ever given yourself a chance to just sit back before the day starts? You’d be surprised how giving yourself time for a lazy breakfast or savoring your morning coffee will put you in a more mindful mood for the rest of the day! And the best part is you’ll still have plenty of time for sightseeing!
While your first reaction when exploring a new place might be to take your phone out, traveling actually presents the perfect opportunity to put technology on hold. Try turning off your phone or putting it on silent for the day and you’ll feel truly immersed in your destination. You’ll have the chance to share stories and laughs with your travel companions, really appreciate your midday meal, and maybe even make new friends. Want to turn it into a competition? Put everyone’s phones face down in the center of the table when you’re eating a meal. The first person to pick up their phone also has to pick up the check!
Don’t Sweat It.
Can’t get your metro card to work? Did you show up to the show an hour early? Are there no open tables at the restaurant you’ve been wanting to try for months? Don’t sweat it. Try to remember the real reasons you wanted to travel. We’re guessing it wasn’t to eat at one insta-worthy restaurant, but to explore a new place, experience a new culture and meet new people. Maybe things going wrong is just the excuse you need to find or do something unexpected and out of your comfort zone!
Look Around.
Sometimes as travelers we get so focused on taking a perfect picture or making it through a checklist of activities that we don’t actually appreciate the moment we’re in. Take a few minutes to just look around each new spot you stop in and take it in with your own eyes instead of enjoying it through a picture when you get back to your hotel. If you’re looking to really absorb the city sights, challenge yourself to use all your senses! As you wander catalogue what you see, smell, hear, taste or touch and get to appreciate your surroundings on every level!
Soak It In.
At the end of the day be sure to give yourself a chance to soak it all in. Give yourself time to reflect on the experiences you enjoyed and things you learned throughout the day. If you’re traveling with friends or family, why not go around the room and share your top three moments? Traveling solo? Try writing down a list! Whether it’s spending time with your travel companions, exploring a new museum, or trying a perfect ice cream cone, it’s important to recognize the good things big and small!