Solo Travel Tips for Millennials
1. Put Technology On Hold
“Try spending less time on your phone pretending your filling a void at dinner. Put the phone away, enjoy your meal or activity, let your mind be curious and simply be present. ”
Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash
2. Stay Alert
“Always be aware of your surroundings and you’ll learn to be confident in solo travel and taking the time to do what you want and love to do. ”
Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash
3. Stay Put
“When I first traveled on my own I was traveling to a new city every few days, which was a lot of fun. Next time though, I’d try to spend a few more days in certain cities to feel more like a local.”
Photo By Christian Kielberg on Unsplash
4. Start Close to Home
“The first solo trip you take doesn’t have to be halfway around the world: The first time I traveled alone, I went to a familiar place so I wouldn’t be worrying about safety as much. The second time I went on a cruise and it was fantastic!”
Photo by Johnny Kennaugh on Unsplash
5. Do as a Local
“Venture out beyond the typical travel sites. Don’t be afraid to explore more local places and interact with those around you!”
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels
6. Do Some Research
“I wish I did better research on the best restaurants and bars to visit. It was more of a spontaneous thing, which I do love at times. But I think I could’ve had a better experience eating and drinking at the top places.”